My Current Wish List
I have a long list of blog post ideas saved up in Notes but all I can come up with is the same ol’ wish list posts. Pssh. Anyway, since I haven’t done a wish list post for ever, I thought I would make one just to kind of update myself, really, with what I’ve been wanting and should start saving up for. I probably won’t have enough money ever to buy all of these myself but one can dream, eh?
- A new WordPress theme. Just shoot me. I don’t want to sound ungrateful but I enjoy getting new themes once in a while. Maybe next year, for my 23rd birthday?
- A new MacBook or an iMac. Probably once I graduated with a stable income.
- Olympus Pen. Y’know, if I get a dollar for every time I blog about wanting an Olympus Pen, I’d actually can afford it.
- dUCkscarves Satin Silk in French Manicure. I can not, for the life of me, justify buying a one-hundred-and-thirty-ringgit worth of scarf but who knows for a v special occasion I might splurge on one.
- A cardholder. “You have a wallet, why d’you need a cardholder Erin?” So I can bring my cards alone when I’m out to eat and don’t have to bring my giant ass wallet.
- A Jo Malone perfume. You know exactly why I need this in my life. For prop purpose, yes.
- A white desk. So I can put it in my room at campus and decorate it tumblresque with a MacBook and white plants and perfumes and candles and fairy lights! How can I forget fairy lights?
- Fairy lights. Read 7.
- A new tote bag. I’ve been wearing the same one from H&M for the past 3 semesters. That bag, I tell you, is durable af. I went through hell and back with it and it’s still going strong but it’s time to get a new one.
- Harry Styles Live on Tour in Bangkok concert ticket. Please? I’m finally meeting the love of my life, someone please make it happen. DS Vida?
- New books. I left reading many months ago but I would love getting new books to inspire me to start reading again. Malay cliché novels are also acceptable.[/right]