My Current Wish List

I have a long list of blog post ideas saved up in Notes but all I can come up with is the same ol’ wish list posts. Pssh. Anyway, since I haven’t done a wish list post for ever, I thought I would make one just to kind of update myself, really, with what I’ve been wanting and should start saving up for. I probably won’t have enough money ever to buy all of these myself but one can dream, eh?

  1. A new WordPress theme. Just shoot me. I don’t want to sound ungrateful but I enjoy getting new themes once in a while. Maybe next year, for my 23rd birthday?
  2. A new MacBook or an iMac. Probably once I graduated with a stable income.
  3. Olympus Pen. Y’know, if I get a dollar for every time I blog about wanting an Olympus Pen, I’d actually can afford it.
  4. dUCkscarves Satin Silk in French Manicure. I can not, for the life of me, justify buying a one-hundred-and-thirty-ringgit worth of scarf but who knows for a v special occasion I might splurge on one.
  5. A cardholder. “You have a wallet, why d’you need a cardholder Erin?” So I can bring my cards alone when I’m out to eat and don’t have to bring my giant ass wallet.
  6. A Jo Malone perfume. You know exactly why I need this in my life. For prop purpose, yes.
  7. A white desk. So I can put it in my room at campus and decorate it tumblresque with a MacBook and white plants and perfumes and candles and fairy lights! How can I forget fairy lights?
  8. Fairy lights. Read 7.
  9. A new tote bag. I’ve been wearing the same one from H&M for the past 3 semesters. That bag, I tell you, is durable af. I went through hell and back with it and it’s still going strong but it’s time to get a new one.
  10. Harry Styles Live on Tour in Bangkok concert ticket. Please? I’m finally meeting the love of my life, someone please make it happen. DS Vida?
  11. New books. I left reading many months ago but I would love getting new books to inspire me to start reading again. Malay cliché novels are also acceptable.[/right]

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