A Wedding Update

Read: Planning my engagement day

My, my, my. What an adventure this past 8 months have been. I am not going to sugarcoat it and say “Everything is wonderful! I enjoy every bit of the planning!” because honestly I don’t. Don’t get me wrong, I am looking forward to my wedding day and I so can’t wait to marry my fiancé but I am literally banging my head on the walls right now from the millions bullets in my to-do-list and hey, I have less than 80 days to make it perfect! One advice that I could give to all of you lot — don’t procrastinate. I’ve been procrastinating for months and it’s finally taking its toll on me now.

The akad process
  1. I’ve done my pre-marriage course.
  2. I did HIV test last week.
  3. Now waiting for my fiancé to give all his forms to me so I can submit it to the people I should be submitting it too (I’m still clueless ngl)

I’m not worrying much about my reception because I hired a wedding planner and we’ve discussed most of it but I still have to meet them a few weeks before my wedding to straighten everything out.

Everything else
  1. I have yet to buy a white hijab for my solemnisation. If you have any suggestion, please point it my way!
  2. For my dulang girls — I’m not sure what I want them to wear but they’re definitely not going to wear the same dress.
  3. My mom and I are still clueless on the reception door gift. We have booked half of the door gift and still deciding on the other half.
  4. I haven’t done hantaran shopping.

I think that is it for my wedding update. Wish me luck for the next two months!

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